Lubrication and Oil Analysis

Lubrication and Oil Analysis

Most lubricants used in industry are mineral based and obtained from petroleum by refining processes and further purification and blending.

Function of a Lubricant
Lubricants have three major functions: limit friction, minimize wear and dissipate heat.

Limit Friction
Friction is defined as the resistance to motion of contracting surfaces. Even smooth metal surfaces have microscopic rough spots called asperities. Friction is increased by the presense of asperities on surfaces. Attempts to overcome the force of friction will increase the localized heat generated by the contracting surfaces. This heat can actually create temperatures high enough to weld two surfaces together.

Lubrication prevents peaks of asperities from touching each other through what is called film strength. Molecules of lubricants are naturally bonded together, often in chains. Any attempt to break the chain creates an opposite tension that prevents separation.

Minimize Wear
Wear is the removal of material from one or more moving surfaces in contact with each other. The material removed becomes the source of additional friction and increased wear on the surfaces involved.

A quality lubricant will fill the valleys of the asperities and provide an additional film over the peaks of the asperities. The asperities of the two surfaces are prevented from contracting each other and wear will be minimized.

Dissipate Heat
Even well-lubricated parts will heat up as a result of friction and external heat. One advantage of liquid lubricants is their ability to absorb and dissipate point sources of heat.

Types of Industrial Lubricants
Lubricants can be divided into two types: solid and liquid.

Solid Lubricants
Solid lubricants are materials such as graphite, molybdenum disulfide and PTFE ( polytetrafluoroethylene ); they are used in smaller equipment or on surfaces where just a minor amount of movement is expected. Lead, babbitt, silver, gold and some metallic oxides are solid lubricants that can provide for more movement or pressure between surfaces. Some machines designers use ceramics or inter-metallic alloys to coat the surfaces of moving parts; they can also be considered lubricants.

Liquid Lubricants
Liquid lubricants in industry fall into two categories: greases and oils. We will look at both of these types of lubricants in the following sections.

Measuring the Properties of Grease and Oils
Criteria for measuring the properties of grease are these:

Hardness. Greases range from hard to soft. The NLGI is the National Lubricating Grease Institute.

Hardness of Grease
NLGI Number
ASTM Worked Penetration
at 25°C ( 77°F ) 10-1 mm
Very Soft
Common Grease
Very Firm
Very Hard

Grease with an NLGI #000 are like liquid, whereas #6 greases are almost solid. The most frequently used grease are #0, #1 and #2.

Dropping Point
This is the temperature at which the grease will change from semisolid to liquid, basically the melting point.

Water Resistance
This determines whether a grease will dissolve in water. This is very important quality if there is a chance that water will come in contact with the lubricant.

This property determines the ability of a grease to retain its characteristics with time.

Criteria for measuring the properties of oil are these:

This is the most important characteristics; it refers to the thickness of the fluid and can also be described as the resistance to flow. Viscosity is affected by temperature and decreases as temperature increases. There are many ways of measuring viscosity but they are also based on the time taken for a fixed volume of oil to pass through a standard orifice under laboratory conditions.

There are three commonly used terms for viscosity: Saybolt Universal Seconds ( SUS ), centipoise ( cP ) and centistokes ( cSt ).

Saybolt Universal Seconds is an indication of the time it takes 60 millimeters of fluid to flow through a calibrated Saybolt Universal Tube ( also called Viscosimeter ). This is an old method used to describe viscosity.

Centipoise is an absolute viscosity unit in the metric system. A centistoke is 0.01 stoke. A 1 stoke fluid has an absolute viscosity of 1 poise and a density of 1 gram per cubic centimeter. In other words, centistokes differ from centipoise by a density factor.

Viscosity Index
This is the rate of change of viscosity with temperature. A high viscosity index shows that the oil will remain the same over a wide range of temperatures, whereas a low index indicates that the oil will thin rapidly with an increase temperature.

Flash Point
This is the temperature at which the vapor of a lubricant will ignite.

Fire Point
This is the temperature ( higher than flash point ) that is required to form enough vapor from the lubricant to cause it to burn steadily.

Pour Point
This is the low temperature at which the lubricant becomes so thick and it is not capable of flowing.

Oxidation Resistance
If oil is exposed to the atmosphere, especially at a higher temperature, oxygen is absorbed into the oil. A chemical change takes place in the oil that drastically reduces its lubricating properties.

This is the measure of the tendency for oil and water to mix together.

Grease Applications:

Oil Analysis
The most commonly used technique to monitor oil and use the information to indicate both the serviceability of the oil and the internal wear of components is spectrographic oil analysis. Often this service is provided free by the oil vendor to the plant. Large hydraulic oil reservoirs, gearbox sumps and internal combustion equipment are prime candidates for lubrication testing.

Taking a sample is not hard but needs some thinking. The correct sample desired is a representative sample of the oil in the reservoir. The best time to take a sample is with the machinery running, if it is possible. The oil port is opened and a clean tube connected to a small portable hand-powered vacuum pump is inserted into oil port. The tube is lowered into the oil reservoir and a sample is pulled using the vacuum pump. The bottle is capped, identified, labeled and sent out for testing. The tube and the pump are cleaned with acetone or any fast drying solvent and made ready for the next sample to be taken. In many cases, however, taking the sample while the machine is running is uneasy. Inserting the sample tube into the gearbox and catching the tube in the gear mesh is a possibility. In these cases, the machine needs to be shut down and the sample taken is as soon as possible to ensure that the oil still mixed well and particles suspended in the oil captured in the sample.

Imagine that the oil being sampled is from automobile engine or diesel engine that might be attached to the emergency generator. The result back from the analytical lab show the oil is serviceable but loaded with chrome. The report shows what would be expected as a normal chrome plated. In this case, ring wear might be suspected from this simple test. A compression test on the cylinders could be run to confirm this analysis of the condition. Obviously, it takes a lot of time to run a compression test on all cylinders as opposed to a few minutes to get an oil sample and send it to the laboratory. Oil analysis makes more sense as a screening type of tool. If a problem is found, then the additional check of equipment components makes good economic sense.

Other good candidates for oil analysis are large gearboxes and large hydraulic reservoirs. Spending a few dollars on an oil analysis versus draining all the oil and removing inspection plates or covers to physically inspect the critical components is money well spent.

Oil Applications: